The Tool Register is changing
The new uWatch-it app is replacing The Tool Register to bring all-new features!
Register Tools, Tack, Pets & Other personal belongings all in 1 app!
Available in any language
Stores pictures, descriptions, serial numbers, and purchase invoices in the cloud
Record Datatag and other unique ID information.
Quick to retrieve, edit, add or delete items
Full detail can be uploaded to social media, insurance companies and the police.
Stolen or lost items are automatically published on the Dodgy Gear Bulletin board
Single payment for life (10 years). Includes upgrades and enhancements.
Retrieve your messages of local criminal activity and report items as found.
Feature to record suspicious vehicles
Feature to make “one tap” emergency phone call.
The dodgy gear app included to view other stolen items
Items reported as stolen alerted to other local WeWatch members in 6 seconds including pictures.
Existing Tool Register users will be up updated automatically to uWatch-it and if you have any questions please contact our support team on 01491 651229